Saturday, April 25, 2009

4 Top Honeymoon Vacation Destinations

When considering honeymoon vacation destinations, the main factor is what the two of you want the most. Which location best reflects who you are as a couple, including your interests, passions, and desires? Is there a certain place you've both always wanted to see? Have you dreamed of having your honeymoon in a certain location? Which destination has the best reputation as a romantic honeymoon location?

Cost will be the second most important consideration. You want to take the honeymoon vacation of a lifetime without breaking the bank. It's important for your trip to be a time to remember, but you also need to make sure you have enough money to start your lives together. Fortunately, there are plenty of honeymoon vacation deals out there, including luxury packages, spa trips, and cruises. Here are the top 4 destinations for your honeymoon!


The Hawaiian Islands are a genuine tropical paradise, with beautiful weather nearly every day of the year. It's also a top destination for honeymooners from around the world. As such, you'll find plenty of hotel honeymoon deals, as well as special rates on sightseeing tours and cruises throughout the island chain. If you're looking for affordable luxury on your trip, this is it.

The Caribbean

If you're planning a honeymoon in January or February, then the Caribbean is the perfect place for you to go. The weather is at its best in this area then, without the danger of hurricanes that comes in the summer. There are many small islands dotting the ocean in this area, and they're close together, so you'll have time to see as many as you like. While not as lush as Hawaii, the Caribbean has a deserved reputation as THE place to go to party, so if you're both up for a rousing good time, the Caribbean can give it to you.

The Mediterranean

The summer is the perfect time to visit the Mediterranean. The weather is warm and inviting, and all the shops are open. You'll find plenty of opportunities for dining outdoors and enjoying the historic and natural sites of the region. If you're wine lovers, you'll also find an array of vineyards to visit. Many hotels in the area run specials during this time of year, so be sure to check it out for good deals.


Alaska is one of the most beautiful places on the North American continent, and the perfect place to go for your honeymoon vacation if you're looking for a wild and rugged time in some spectacular natural scenery. Whether you take an Alaskan cruise or traverse the interior of the state, there are plenty of photographic opportunities awaiting you, and many good deals to be had during the summer tourist season.

Need help planning the perfect budget-friendly honeymoon? Go to Hotel Honeymoon Deals at

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Kusatsu Onsen

Yubatake, meaning "hot water field", is probably the best known part of Kusatsu and is the main source of hot spring water. When the water hits the surface it is a seering 65 degrees before it is cooled down by Yubatake's wooden conduits before it is distributed to the various ryokans and public baths.

One of the main attractions at Kusatsu is the picturesque, emerald green Shirane san, a crate lake at 2160 meters above sea level. Shirane san last erupted on February 21, 1983 and has a diameter of 300m, a depth of 30m and a temperature of 18 degrees.

It is unclear as to where the name 'Kusatsu' came from but there are several explanations. The explanations include: 1) that buddhist monks named it. In sacred writings 'Daihannyagyou' - buddhist scriptures it was written that there were famous hot springs in the south.

2) it originated from the Ainu people. In shiga-kogen there is a hot spring called Hoppo onsen. For example, in Shigakogen there is a hot spring called Hoppo Onsen. The "Hoppo" part of the name means "hot spring" in Ainu.

3) Kusai Izumi (means smelly spring), so people called it Kusai Izumi, so the name Kusatsu could have originated from this.

4) The word 'kusatsu tsumi', which was used as a memory keyword for a traditional Japanese tanka (poem) which referred to illness? The word could have originated from this.

5) Kusatsu was originally called 'Kusadu', but this eventually changed to Kusatsu. Perhaps consonants were not pronounced clearly over the years. One of the most famouns onsens in the area is called 'Nishinogawara onsen', the largest onsen in Kusatsu at 500 square meters. Antoher well known onsen is Otaki no yu, known as the 'onsen department' because of the large variety of onsens.

Richie runs several Japan related websites, including Eye on Japan, a site with interesting information about the funnier side of Japan, travelling tips, Japan news and other Japan related topics. Kusatsu onsen is one of the Top 10 onsens in Japan

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Vacation Packages To Las Vegas/Cheap Vacation Packages Ticket Las Vegas

Fresno Attractions - Fresno Art Museum

Fresno residents are fortunate to live in a city where art is appreciated. Art and culture is alive and well in the city of Fresno. This is evident when you look at the Fresno Art Museum. If you are an art lover in Fresno and haven't checked it out yet, what is keeping you? After reading this article I am sure you will be ready to check it out.

The Fresno Art Museum was founded in 1948 and since then it has grown to become a leader in the promotion of modern and contemporary art. Originally formed by a small group of local artists, it has grown by leaps and bounds. Today the museum houses work from local, national and international artists. One of the most prevalent forms of art in the museum is Mexican and Pre-Columbian art. It does not limit itself to just one category of modern or contemporary art however. The museum contains galleries of a great variety of artists. For example, there is the Robert Brady exhibition which contains several pieces which combine modern art with the simple forms of tribal art. There is also the Deborah Barrett exhibition. This collection of work from a Bay area artist uses a mixed media including ink, pencil, paint and collage. She uses the different media to reveal some insight into the human intellect. Other artists who have had work at the museum include Polly Victor, Amy Kasai and Allison Van Pelt. There is quite a variety so you should have no problem finding art that appeals to you.

To visit the museum go to 2233 N. First Street in Fresno, California. It is recommended that you first call the information line at 559-441-4221 for current hours and other information. I hope you enjoy the Fresno Art Museum.

Information on Fresno upholstery cleaning and Fresno carpet cleaning is available at the author's website. Find local carpet and upholstery cleaners.

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Cancun Vacation Packages

Cancun is Mexico's best known resort city, known for its miles-long stretches of white sand beaches, clear turquoise waters, modern and luxurious hotels, world-class entertainment and water sports, exciting nightlife, unique history and culture and a whole lot more. Not bad for a city that was merely a fishing village with 120 residents in the 70s. This is Mexico?s showcase tourist destination, and visitors come by the millions every year. Cancun is also one of the most popular spring break destinations, as it is adjacent to the U.S. and is near Miami.

If you are planning a trip to Cancun, you might want to consider a Cancun vacation package. Many travel agents have teamed up with hotels, airlines, resorts, and cruise ships to offer the most attractive bargains in Cancun vacation deals. You can choose from all-inclusive vacations that offer pre-planned activities you will surely enjoy. For honeymooners, there are romantic vacation packages.

Cancun is one of the most family-friendly destinations. Book a vacation package, jam-packed with activities you and your family will definitely love. For added convenience, you can consult travel planners and advisors to ensure that you have a smooth and enjoyable vacation in this tropical paradise. Call you travel agent now and see what vacation packages they offer. Check out discount hotel and resort deals. Most of the top hotels in Cancun's Zona Hotelera offer exciting deals worth checking out.

There are also travel agencies and advisors online offering a wide variety of vacation packages and deals in a range of budgets. Whatever your budget is and no matter what your interests are, you can surely come across a Cancun vacation package that will fit your needs. The choices of vacation deals and packages are simply endless. There?s literally something for everyone.

Cancun provides detailed information on Cancun, Cancun Hotels, Cancun Spring Break, Cancun Vacations and more. Cancun is affiliated with Cancun Hotel Maps.

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American Airlines Las Vegas Vacation Packages

North Korea - Vacation in a Secret State (Part 3)

I'd like you to just spend a moment and consider the scenario I found myself in at the end of the next day. It was 1am and I was in a hotel in Kaesong, a city 10km from the demilitarized zone (DMZ), probably the most tense place on earth. 3 hours previously I was eating dog for dinner and was now getting a massage from a North Korean waitress, with both the guides in the room watching on! I've found myself in a few slightly bizarre situations before, but that one probably takes the biscuit.

The day was mainly one of travelling, as we made our way from the capital, Pyongyang, to Kaesong in the south of the country. The tour bus headed out of Pyongyang and to one of the many checkpoints in the country. In DPRK there is restriction of movement for citizens. Unless you have a very good reason and permission, you cannot travel outside your home town or area. This is lessened a little during public festivals, but the checks are always there. The checking of papers was efficient, but thorough, and we were soon on our way.

We travelled initially on a 10-lane motorway, which was quite a sight. We must have driven on it for about 15-20 minutes, and nobody saw another vehicle on the entire road for the duration. There were a few bicycles and some people walking along the road, but no other cars, lorries or buses. The roads were not maintained too well, and there were obvious signs of neglect, with huge potholes in some lanes. In others there were sometimes mounds of dirt, just less than a metre high. They weren't high enough to be barricades of any sort, but nobody could really work out what they were. I would have taken photos, but we were politely asked not to while the bus was in motion. I'm sure it was because we might photograph certain parts of DPRK that were not meant to be seen outside the country.

After about an hour of travelling, we reached the West Sea Barrage. This is an 8km tidal-controlling wall, which can alter the level of the Taedong River which flows through Pyongyang. It was built in 5 years (and, surprise, surprise, received "on-the-spot guidance" from both Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il). It wa an impressive feat - a real battle of manpower against the elements. I don't know what the level of technology of the DPRK was at the time this barrage was built, but you can be pretty sure they didn't do this the easy way.

After viewing the barrage, and watching an informative video dubbed in rather poor English, we departed for a very old Buddhist temple. This was really out in the sticks, down dusty roads and up dirt tracks. We got to see a fair amount of the real DPRK here. There were people farming with hand ploughs & picks, and children working in the paddy fields. One thing that did strike me was the amount of land that was assigned to agriculture. There seems to be a hell of a lot of it, but conditions are not good for agriculture here in DPRK. Soil quality, inefficient farming methods, a lack of pesticides & fertilisers, and food getting lost through corruption could all be partly to blame for the food shortages engulfing DPRK almost every year. But the people work the fields, and hope for a good harvest each year. Maybe one of these years, they will get one.

The bus parked and we had to ascend a hill to get to the temple complex itself. One thing which interested me greatly was a pair of statues on the path up to the temple. I had to closely inspect the old weathered bodies of them, but they both had classical kanji (Chinese characters used in Japan) written on them. The kanji is very old, and I have only found one Japanese person who has been able to read the characters yet. When we got up to the temple, I also noticed kanji written above the entrance to one of the buildings. I wondered why there was kanji written here, when hangul is the character set the Koreans use. The temple was 130 years old and was reportedly the only temple to survive the Korean War. There was a monk there who had met Kim Jong Il during his visit to the temple a few years ago. These people really wanted everyone to live in peace (yes, even Americans), regardless of their religion, nationality or race. I kept wondering whether these people I encountered on my trip would ever see peace and a unified Korea, or whether they will eventually be engulfed in the horrors of war in the Korean Peninsula. For these monks above all others, it would be a tragedy. The longer I spent in the country, the more I felt for its people, both with the famine problem, and the constant fear of a future war with US forces stationed in South Korea. That's not to say I agree with some of the government's policies (don't want to get arrested here as a sympathiser!), but you can't blame the people for the actions of a government.

We had lunch next to a small stream near the temple. Then we had another hour-long drive to the town of Sinchon and the Sinchon War Crimes Museum. This museum is dedicated to showcasing and remembering the atrocities committed by Americans during the Korean War. Not there that I intentionally only said Americans, and did not include South Koreans in there. In DPRK the people say that they and the South Koreans are the same people with the same blood running through their veins, and will not openly criticise them. While it is obvious that atrocities were carried out by the DPRK, American, and South Korean forces, only the Americans are highlighted as the bad guys here. Again this was a place where you listened to the stories, looked at the photos and paintings and nodded, taking it all in. Unfortunately, some of the group elected to ask very difficult questions while we were here which really upset the guide and almost had her in tears. If I return to DPRK (which I'd like to do), I would like to get my own group of people together, so I would have people I can trust to not say anything stupid and play the game well. The paintings were very vivid, and while I can't guarantee that all of them are true, they are certainly thought-provoking. The stories and alleged orders given from American military officers in charged are also interesting to read. For example, by Lt Col. William A. Harrison is alleged to have given the following order on December 3rd, 1950:

"Out unit is now forced to roll back from Sinchon... dispose the detained right away. Capture and kill all capped heads and shaved heads, all bitches and their bastards so commies won't breed again. Spread rumors that the deadly A-bombs will be dropped after our retreat to exterminate the communist army, and drive the civilians southward." As I said before, it's a case of hearing both sides of the story (which are probably both biased) and then making your own mind up and finding a middle ground that you are happy with.

Following the museum, we had a long drive to Kaesong. Once again we went through many remote villages and saw people in the fields. As we got closer to Kaesong, the landscape changed, and hills rose above us, the land appearing to be arid and unfit for farming. The road to Kaesong, and from there to Seoul is arrow straight for some unknown reason (easier for tanks, or a reunification parade?). We randomly stopped at what could only be described as a makeshift services at the side of the road, around 30 minutes from Kaesong. The services comprised of a structure over the traffic-less road, and a tea hut. I bought a can of Pokka coffee (a Japanese company, made in Singapore and exported specially to the DPRK). It is a truly international product! Another half hour of driving got us to Kaesong. This is only 10km from the DMZ, and we had to stop at a checkpoint to enter the city. The security is obviously very high in this part of the DPRK. We drove through the city, passing the obligatory Kim Il Sung mosaics, and a large concrete Kalashnikov (sp?) gun. As we drove through the city, we noticed that the buildings next to the street were immaculate in appearance. White, freshly painted walls and looked in top condition. In contrast, when we passed a junction and were able to see a street back from the main road, the other houses were in a much worse condition, and looked very run down. But the houses next to the street are what people see most, and so they have to make a good impression. On the way to our hotel, we were asked if anyone wanted to eat dog soup for dinner! It was asked in advance because they needed to "prepare" it (i.e. find a dog, catch it and beat it to death before we sat down for the meal). I looked at the guy sitting next to me and we both raised our hand. About half of the group said they'd eat it, everyone realising they would have few other chances to do this in their lives.

Our hotel for tonight was in Kaesong, and was a mini-village. It had about 20 small groups of rooms, all placed around small courtyards and in a traditional Korean style. The rooms had a tatami (rice straw matting) floor, and underfloor heating was offered as we were sleeping on futons on the floor. But it was pretty warm and I think everyone declined. We had about 20 minutes to settle into our rooms before we headed off to dinner. Our evening meal was delicious actually. We were served an array of bowls with meats, vegetables and fish in. Again, it felt a little strange to know that most people in this country are struggling to feed themselves, and yet we were dining like the proverbial kings. In the middle of the main course, the dog soup came to us. I have to admit it is an acquired taste! It was pretty spicy but it mustn't have been a very muscular dog as there wasn't too much meat in there! But now I can say I have eaten dog, which invariably gets gasps from everyone else. Dinner was followed by the obligatory Korean karaoke, which was enjoyed by all. In the middle of karaoke, we were asked if anyone would like a massage by a waitress for 20 Euros! This was completely out of the blue and we had to make sure that was what our guide had meant to say! But I was on a roll after the dog soup and said I'd do it.

And so about an hour and half later we get back full circle to the start of the story. It was a very nice massage, although pretty hard and painful at times compared to what I'd been used to. Ah well, it was a day and night of firsts and I went to sleep wondering if I'd wake up to the sound of bombs dropping or gunfire from the DMZ!

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read this article. Hope you enjoyed it.

Read more at Big in Japan:

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Holidays In Marmaris Turkey

Marmaris is the famous Turkish holiday resort inviting millions of visitors from Europe an UK.
The beaches are not the greatest in the world but are more than adequate for children and adults alike. The sand is mostly black sand and a bit gritty. The beaches are not very wide and the top half is covered in sunbeds and umbrellas which you can rent for a nominal fee if the hotel/restaurant does not provide them. Many hotels have private beaches and some even ship in very good sand from other areas. The sea is warm, crystal clear and perfect for swimming. There are some fabulous beaches within half an hours drive, so if beaches are your thing, visit Cleopatra Island where the sand is said to be the best in the world

The famous Bar Street is just what it says, a street chock full of night clubs of every description which are open until 4 am

The beautiful harbour water front hosts many restaurants and bars where you can relax and take in the spectacular view. Netsel Marina is an important yachting centre full of romantic restaurants, shops and boutiques. One look at the yachts in the harbour will tell you that Marmaris is a stylish and cosmopolitan resort. The traffic-free promenade stretching from the marina all the way round the bay to Icmeler. It has a sophisticated 'Riviera' feel to it, vaguely reminiscent of St.Tropez.

Shopping in Marmaris is an experience in itself. Leather goods, gold, carpets and clothing are very very reasonably priced. It is essential to bargain, expect at least one third off the original price. The bazaar is a must for visitors, a rabbit warren of shops of every description, where the shopkeepers will try to entice you into their shops. This can get a little annoying at times, a smile and a shake of the head works well when you have had enough. See our shopping pages for much more info.

There is a large outdoor market every Thursday, the prices are cheaper than the bazaar and cheaper still in the evening when the vendors are eager to sell their remaining wares.

The currency is the Turkish Lira (TL). The climate is very mild in winter, spring and autumn provide perfect holiday weather. July and August can be very hot up to 42 degrees centigrade, so be prepared and drink lots of fluids.

Holiday deals marmaris: There are many beautiful islands and villages to visit. Gulets are the local boats used for boat trips and provide food and drink and a wonderful day out. All kinds of water sports are available on the beaches, diving is very popular, check to make sure the dive company have the correct qualifications. See tours for more info.

The health care is excellent. Ahu Hetman hospital has very experienced doctors who speak English. It is a private hospital and they will require proof of insurance. Dentists are modern and well equipped. Pharmacies sell most drugs over the counter without need for a prescription and the pharmacist will be happy to assist you with minor ailments.

During the Winter you will find a different Marmaris from the high season. Quieter, more intimate where you will be welcomed into the warm and friendly local and ex-pat community. Many tourist prefer winter to summer and return every year to continue the deeper friendships provided by the more relaxed and timeless atmosphere. You can still get a tan and the water is always warm enough for swimming so Marmaris is a great winter destination.

We know you will thoroughly enjoy your visit here, not least because of the wonderfully warm and welcoming local people.

Sam is a travel writer see more about Marmaris:

Marmaris Holidays. You can find more information about Turkey at Icmeler Turkey

Las Vegas Vacation Packages
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Las Vegas - Vacation Ideas For All Kinds of Travelers

Once they've "done the casinos", many vacationers think they've done it all in Las Vegas. That's a shame, because Vegas offers a fascinating time without ever seeing a slot machine! Keep reading-we've put together some great Las Vegas tips for every kind of traveler.

Active Family Vegas Vacation Ideas
Why not give the kids a running, climbing, laughing kind of vacation experience this year? Las Vegas features great destinations offering just that kind of fun! Just a short drive west of the city, you'll find Red Rock Canyon National Recreation Area, filled with spectacular scenery and rock climbing, mountain biking and trail riding opportunities.

If your kids prefer their fun high-tech, you should definitely visit Sega's GameWorks, right next to the MGM Grand on the Strip. Its acres of games and attractions will thrill the most demanding junior adventurers!

For a memorable, and educational, experience, head with the family to The Mirage's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat. Within the Secret Garden lives an amazing collection of big cats, thanks to the efforts of Siegfried & Roy. Stroll through the gardens to see rare black and white tigers, snow leopards and white lions. Right next door, your kids can take part in the Dolphin Habitat's Trainer for a Day program, climbing into a wetsuit and right into the water with the dolphins!

There's no shortage of family adventures in Las Vegas. Whether you're climbing the Red Rocks or riding the Sling Shot at Circus Circus' AdventureDome, your family's going to clamor to come back next year.

Art and Culture in Las Vegas
Vacationers hoping to find art and beauty in Las Vegas won't be disappointed. The Las Vegas Art Museum on Sahara Boulevard features permanent and rotating exhibits of new and well-known contemporary artists. Don't be afraid to include the kids; the LVAM offers wonderful educational programs for them, as well.

The Gallery of Fine Art at the Bellagio draws visitors from around the globe at its remarkable exhibitions. It's an unexpected treasure in the heart of the Las Vegas Strip. Just a short drive from the Strip, you'll also find a wide variety of artistic styles displayed at Art Encounters, a popular Vegas gallery.

For ballet lovers, the Nevada Ballet Theatre offers world-class performances with a distinctly Vegas flavor. One more must-do experience for dance aficionados-the Las Vegas Contemporary Dance Theater performs at beautiful Spring Mountain Ranch in Red Rock Canyon to rave reviews.

Exploring More of Las Vegas
Still haven't seen just what you want for your next Las Vegas trip? Why not plan to tour the unusual and historical side of Vegas? You'll find fantastic displays of high performance vehicles at the Carroll Shelby Museum on Speedway Drive. For something to really rock your world, experience the power of a simulated atomic blast at the Atomic Testing Museum's Ground Zero Theater.

To round off your trip, interact with famous figures at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. Where else can you get your picture taken with Elvis and George Clooney on the same day? And don't forget to stop by Ethel M's famous Chocolate Factory and Botanical Cactus Gardens in nearby Henderson.

No matter what your taste, there's something to savor in Las Vegas. Gamble to your heart's content, but don't miss the chance to really get to know the treasures Sin City has to offer.

This article was written by Joe Laing of El Monte RV, your source for RV and motorhome rentals. An RV is an excellent way to start off on your next vacation in the Las Vegas area. Be sure to check out the El Monte RV website for more information about Las Vegas RV Vacations and Las Vegas RV Rentals.

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What Else Can You Do In Las Vegas Besides Gamble?

Sure gambling is the big draw to Las Vegas, but what else is there to do if you don't gamble? Plenty!

Try The Wynn Las Vegas.

This is a hotel that defines luxury. Even the standard room is 640 square feet which is plenty big and features many luxury amenities such as full TV and movies. Many hotels skimp in this area because they want you on the gaming floor and not holed up in a room with your face glued to the tube. The staff at the Wynn is well trained to answer your every question. While you are staying a the Wynn, don't miss La Reve, a show with that Cirque du Soleil flavor. La Reve was created by Franco Dragone, Cirque's creator, and is receiving enthusiastic reviews. Wynn has the restaurant chef on premises, so you can enjoy any of the on-location restaurants, such as Wing Lei, Bartolotta, Alex, Red 8, Okada, SW Steakhouse and Daniel Boulud.

The Pool at the Mirage Hotel

Walking into Mirage's lobby is like walking into tropical rainforest. Trees, waterfalls and exotic birds are all there. Continue through the atrium, through the casino and head out back to the stunning pool area, Mirage's outdoor oasis in the desert. The pool zig-zags through dense foliage and the sight and sound of the waterfall at the end is a refreshing treat by itself. Service is superb from the cabana boys to the cocktail waitresses in tiny sexy sarongs. Water aerobics classes are offered twice daily, but they are not for the faint hearted. The pool manager leads intrepid sun worshippers through a 45 minute workout that will burn off every bit of the breakfast buffet. For those who want a more leisurely experience, they take advantage of the awesome beach that runs along the inner perimeter of the pool. Kick back with a good book or just enjoy the sunshine. Because Las Vegas has more sunny days than not, bring plenty of sunblock and a wide-brimmed hat so you can take advantage of the prettiest pool in town. It is available to only guests of the Mirage but staying there is a pleasant experience in itself.

Liberace Museum

Are you ready for a little culture? Even if you don't remember Liberace, the short cab ride from the strip to the museum is worth the effort. This place is a fitting tribute to the man who helped to put Las Vegas on the map. Filled with rhinestone-studded, fur-draped costumes, enough jewelry to impress an Empress, pianos, cars including a 1934 Mercedes Excalibur covered in Austrian rhinestones, press clippings and a ton of photos. This isn't campy entertainment. Any visitor is certain to leave the museum an adoring fan.

Dessert at the Coyote Caf in the MGM Grand Hotel

Dessert at any hour is a great idea. Even after a huge dinner at one of the many many restaurants, dessert is essential. Fortunately, Coyote Caf is open until well past midnight for a late night treat. Coyote Caf is the baby of Chef Mark Miller. After publishing numerous cookbooks, he brought his unique Southwestern flair to La Vegas. One specialty is canella cheesecake with bourbon caramel sauce and candied pecans or an elegant lemon tart with fresh seasonal berries. Chocoholics can enjoy either the chocolate-Kahlua flan with a savory ancho-peanut brittle or the Venezuelan chocolate spoon bread which is a dense, moist chocolate square drizzled with vanilla Anglaise and topped with rich vanilla ice cream.

The StratosphereTower

Las Vegas is home to the tallest frees-standing observation tower in the United States. The view from the top is mind-boggling. All the hotels on the Strip are visible as well as the entire city of Las Vegas that is spreading deeper into the desert all the time. But, there is more here than a great view. For the adventurous, there is a roller coaster on the top-the world's highest rollercoaster. It sports a reverse bungee that shoots the rider up at 45 mph and then back down again. If you only barely survive these, there is a bar and restaurant at the top where you can get a really stiff drink.

The Strip

The Strip's official name is Las Vegas Boulevard. This is truly a Boulevard of Dreams with all the glitz and glam anyone could wish for. It is home to most of the top hotels and casinos. At night The Strip is a blaze of neon and glitter. Take stroll along the strip, at night to enjoy the cooler temperatures.

Karen Vertigan Pope writes for Ciniva Systems, an award winning Virginia web design company. Ciniva specializes in web design and SEO. Ms. Vertigan Pope is the President of the SEO Department of Ciniva Systems.

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Vacation Packages To Vegas/Cheapest Las Vegas Vacation Packages
Best Vegas Vacation Packages/The Best Vegas Vacation Packages

A Paradise Called Ranikhet

Almora is a wonderful district of Uttarakhand, India. Though the entire hilly district is a virtual heaven rich with natural and pristine beauty, it is Ranikhet which is the most captivating and the most picturesque place in the entire Almora. In fact, nature seems to be very generous here. Maybe, that's why it gave its finest brush strokes on this canvas, called Ranikhet.

Situated at an altitude of 1869 meters above sea level Ranikhet offers mesmerizing views of the Nanda Devi, Trishul, Nilkanth, and Nanda Ghunti Mountain peaks of the Himalayas. Ranikhet was the proposed summer headquarters of the Government of India during the British Raj. Popularly known as 'the Queen's Meadow', Ranikhet is also called 'Cantonment Town' as the Kumaon Regiment and the Naga Regiment have their headquarters here.

For the adventurous and the footloose, Ranikhet offers ample opportunities. They can go on thrilling treks and explore the jungles of the hill station and its many hidden beauties. Rich with the Pine, Oak and Deodar trees, the jungles and forested areas of Ranikhet are home to varieties of flora and fauna.

Wild animals like Leopard, Mountain Goat, Wild Boar, Langur and Red Fox could be spotted here. The profusion of tiny mountain flowers at Ranikhet that gently sway and stare invitingly at you as you pass by them much adds to the beauty of this hill station.

Ranikhet also offers a good scope to the birdwatchers to pursue their love here. Actually, Ranikhet is a virtual haven for the birdwatchers, who flock to this hill station to spot several species of the winged creatures.


Among the many attractions of the place, the prominent ones are: Jhula Devi Temple, Kallika, Chaubatia (Botanical Gardens and Fruit Research Institute), Bhaludham (Artificial Lake) and Dwarahat (famous for ancient sculptures).

Jhula Devi Temple is a 400-year old temple much renowned for its numerous bells that are hung by the devotees there. It is said that one who visits this temple and hangs a bell and wishes something does not return empty-handed, as his wishes get fulfilled by the blessings of the presiding deity.

When to visit

Though Ranikhet can be visited round the year, it is advisable to visit the place between October and March. During this time, the hill station is at most beautiful. Snowfall in December, January and February at Ranikhet is another reason why one must visit the place during this period.

How to reach

Ranikhet is 360 km away from Delhi and 55 km away from Nainital. It is well connected by rail, road an air. The nearest rail head is at Kathgodam which is 80 km away and the nearest airport is at Pantnagar which is 110 km away.

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Great Deals on Italy Vacation Packages - 3 Italy Vacation Packages Companies

Many people are planning trips to Italy because they're in love with the foods in Italy, its culture and beautiful scenery. There's plenty to see and do and one of the most convenient ways of organizing an itinerary is through Italy vacation packages.

With a package you can enjoy guided tours that explore the coast, the countryside and the cities while you enjoy first class accommodations and amenities.

The Italy Source Company

  • For example, the Italy Source Company has an Italy package tour that gives you two nights in Rome, a train ride to Tuscany with a four-night stay and then a night in Florence.

  • Tuscany is one of the most beautiful areas in Italy and a driver-guide will take you through the Val d'Orcia and the Chianti, where you can either visit a winery or take a side trip to the town of Sienna.

  • If you're planning a honeymoon in Italy you'll want to take a look at their Luxury Tuscany Honeymoon Holiday.

  • This Italy vacation package starts in the Chianti region in a country hotel with both outdoor and indoor swimming pools.

    Your driver-guide will take you on a tour of Tuscany where you'll visit towns and wineries.

    Your honeymoon in Italy ends in a 5 star hotel in Florence. While you're staying there, your private guide leads you on a walking tour of the city where you'll stop at various galleries and museums like the Pitti Palace and Uffizi Gallery.

    The Cosmic Company

  • The Cosmic Company also has terrific deals, including the North Lakes Tour. Book this and you'll enjoy city life as well as gorgeous scenery.

  • There's something for everyone with this Italy vacation package.

    It begins in Milan and is followed with a trip to Maggiore Lake, a boat tour of Pescatori Island, a visit to Bella Island and the Borromeo Palace and Gardens.

    Then you will visit the Swiss border town of Lugano where you can enjoy a gallery visit and shopping. This tour will end in Verona, famous for its Roman ruins, right before you return to Milan.

    The holiday company

    The holiday company offers online Italy vacation packages and includes continental breakfasts at their top-class hotels.

  • One of the tours includes both Venice and Rome, where you'll see the art treasures of the Vatican. You can explore the romance of Venice either on foot or by gondola and discover sites such as the Doge's Palace.

  • If you love Italian food you might want to take their Taste of Italy Special Italy vacation package that includes Florence, Rome and Venice. You'll enjoy seeing the countryside as you travel between cities by train, where you'll be pampered with two nights in each of the cities in a hotel that includes continental breakfasts.

    To save money every time you take a vacation check out All Inclusive Vacations - And, to find out how to make your wildest dreams come true, take a look at now and learn how to make it happen.

    (c) Copyright - Steve Schulman. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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    Costa Brava Spain Weather Today

    Costa Brava Spain weather today is very settled and a beautiful 30 degrees centigrade and is set to continue for the next two weeks!

    You might be forgiven for thinking all British citizens are obsessed about weather, but anyone wishing to vacation in Costa Brava, Spain will tell you that it is one of the most important facts to find out, along with distance from the sea, the nearest golf course and a list of the best restaurants.

    Those hard-won days of vacation are generally better when the weather is clement. Some like it hot and others cooler, but find out what temperatures you can enjoy at the time you holiday in the Costa Brava, and you are guaranteed to have the time of your life.

    Costa Brava weather is constant. It is reliable, that is to say neither too hot, nor too cold. Of course it rains from time to time and sometimes the humidity can be just a little too much, but on the whole, it is one of the world's most pleasant weather systems.

    Late summer days, such as the Costa Brava weather today, are stunning! Clear blue skies, dry warmth with very little humidity or wind, just a light breeze to cool, allowing you to involve yourself in sporting activities such as golf, sailing, tennis, water skiing or hiking in perfect conditions.

    When it does rain it tends to come down sharply and is over with in a short time. Large puddles form and rivers run down the roads, but out comes the sun and the roads are steaming in no time!

    Costa Brava weather is one of the attractions of the area. Great weather at times when Northern Europe suffers harsh winters highlights the rightly famous golf courses. Snow covered, freezing courses which are closed more often than not, force you into looking at alternatives and with a short plane journey with cheap, no-frills airlines like Ryanair, you are on the championship courses before you know it.

    With nine top quality courses within a short distance of each other, you have more than enough golfing to keep you occupied for weeks.

    Costa Brava weather today also contributes to the wonderful food grown in the region. Fresh fruit, vegetables and olive oil combine to create magnificent Mediterranean cuisine. Even the world famous El Buli restaurant is here.

    The easy-going Spanish way makes taking a vacation in the Costa Brava even more pleasurable. Nothing is too much trouble and they are happy to help you make the most of your time amongst them. Perhaps it's their weather that makes them so amenable!

    To find out more about the weather conditions when you visit Costa Brava, Spain, I invite you to take a look at our Costa Brava Weather Today page which is updated every 5 minutes.

    And With your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to my short report, Costa Brava Holiday - What Else Is There Apart From Sun, Sea and Sangria on a Costa Brava Holiday? You can download it by going to

    From Helen Palmer - The Exclusive Vacations Guide and Costa Brava Spain

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    Vacation in Dubai

    Dubai is such an exciting and diverse travel destination that it attracts millions of visitors annually particularly during the winter months when the weather is perfect for every single activity from sunbathing and scuba diving to camel racing and desert safaris.

    If youre planning a trip to Dubai heres a guide to the types of attractions and activities you and your family can plan on enjoying.

    First things first, as stated the winter months from November through to March are the most popular time of the year to visit the emirate. The weather is perfect with daily sunshine and high temperatures but the sun is not at its most intense which means that visitors can actually get out and about and not have to avoid the desert heat that radiates excessively in Dubai in the summer.

    In January each year Dubai plays host to the now world famous Dubai Shopping Festival, a retail extravaganza that annually attracts in excess of 3.3 million visitors who come to enjoy the month long festival and associated celebrations.

    The shopping festival is such a hit because the luxury bargains that tax free Dubai is world renowned for are available at sale prices for example, and every single day there are incredible prizes to be won from luxury cars to substantial cash lump sums! Add to this the fact that the Dubai Shopping Festival is a family experience and has daily events and activities for children and nightly firework displays for example and you can see why January is such a great time to be vacationing in Dubai.

    Once youve shopped in the gold souk and the incredibly luxurious malls and marketplaces you might like to get away from the crowds and head out away from the emirate into the desert on a camel or jeep safari; alternatively you could try sand skiing, dune or wadi driving and then have a desert picnic feast.

    Heading back into Dubai there are two great ways to get to know more about this historic and incredibly interesting city a visitor can either take to the air or the water ways and get a unique glimpse of the emirate. Taking an aerial tour of Dubai in a helicopter is a once in a lifetime experience; or for those who prefer something more sedate why not cruise Dubais waterways in a traditional wooden dhow.

    For those whore after a more action packed experience from their vacation in Dubai why not try thunder bowl, horse riding in the desert, go karting, golf, ice skating or deep sea fishing? And for those with traveling to Dubai with children there are a whole host of exciting adventure parks to try from Dubai Wonderland to Wild Wadi, from Magic Planet to the soon to be completed Snow Dome.

    Whatever type of event, activity or attraction youre after Dubai can satisfy your every whim. With daily cultural events, nightly entertainment activities and a whole world within one emirate waiting to be discovered what are you waiting for? Book your vacation today!

    Rhiannon Williamson is a freelance writer whose articles about travelling and living abroad have appeared in publications around the world. To find out more information about vacationing and shopping in Dubai click here.

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    Best Vacation Packages In Vegas/The Best Vegas Vacation Packages

    Beach Vacation Packages Are Most Economical and Provide the Most Fun!

    In deciding where to hit the beach here are some key amenities associated with each beach so that you might choose the ultimate beach vacation packagefor your family. First, your Florida beach vacation might include a visit to one of the many Miami Beach resorts. A Miami Beach resort offers luxury as well as adventure as you spend your days taking in the breathtaking scenery of Miami.

    Life at a resort in Miami will easily make you feel like a star with many resorts including beach access, restaurants and unbelievable luxurious spa relaxations. Those in Miami might also enjoy surfing, the many tours for visitors, endless golfing for the golf enthusiast and of course, the famous white sandy beaches. At night, the fun really heats up as singles and couples visits the trendy nightclubs, bars, and numerous outdoor restaurants all catering to the fun and excitement of Miami life.

    If Miami is not your style, why not visit the beautiful and exciting Myrtle Beach. A Myrtle Beach vacation package can offer those looking for sparkling waters and beautiful sunsets the perfect beach vacation. A Myrtle vacation is a perfect choice for activity lovers who enjoy scuba diving and skiing or for those who just wish to relax on the over 60-miles of soothing and picture-perfect coastline. While enjoying your fun in the sun, Myrtle Beach also offers shopping, beautiful parks for the young and old as well as hotel accommodations sure to please all beach loving vacation goers. To top it all off vacationers can also visit the many theaters and nightclubs to complete their perfect Myrtle vacation.

    No matter if you are looking to have the perfect Miami Beach Florida Vacation or looking to enjoy the fun on Myrtle Beach- taking advantage of life on the beach can create memories that last a lifetime. As you make your plans for the ultimate beach vacation, do not forget to bring your sun tan lotion, your flip-flops and the ever so important stamp book in order to send those last minute wish you where here post cards!


    Al Dean

    If you are into traveling like I am be sure to check out This site gives you unbiased real vacation reviews and videos on vacation spots worldwide.

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    Renting an RV in California

    Renting an RV is perfect if youve dreamed of touring California in an RV, but thought you couldnt because of the cost or hassle of owning an RV. RVs allow you travel where you want and when you want from the comfort of your substitute home. No hotels needed.

    The most popular type of rented RV is the class-C motor home. It is easy to drive and has beds, a toilet, shower, heat and air-conditioning, a refrigerator, and a microwave. Folding camping trailers, travel trailers, and truck trailers are also popular. You can rent your RV one-way or two-way, and you can ask for a discount if youre renting it for the long haul. Some RV rentals also provide a fly-and-drive package so you can fly into California and then rent the RV.

    Rental companies exist throughout California, but youll probably have the best luck around Los Angeles or San Francisco. Searching the Internet is probably the easiest way to find a Californian RV rental agency. KOA, or Kampgrounds of America, provides a list of its preferred RV rental agencies in California, by city, on its Web site.

    Rental rates in California are cheapest between November and March and in October with prices starting at around $63 a day for over 40 days. Prices per day decrease the longer you rent them, but increase with the quality of the RV. The most expensive time to rent an RV in California is between late June and early September with prices starting at around $117 a day for over 40 days.

    Before you set out for adventure in California, find parks that will let you park your RV there. Maps are available for sale on the Internet and KOA also provides a list. Dont be afraid to shop for the best bargain and ask for all details about mileage fees, insurance, and other extra fees you might not expect. The more you plan ahead, the less worry during your trip through California.

    RV Rentals Info provides detailed information about RV rentals in the United States, focusing on California, Alaska, Utah, Texas, Florida, Arizona, Minnesota, and Las Vegas, Nevada, as well as discount RV rentals, and more. RV Rentals Info is the sister site of RV Insurance Web.

    Discount Vacation Packages To Las Vegas/Las Vegas Discount Vacation Packages
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    Las Vegas Vacation Packages/Vacation Packages Minneapolis To Las Vegas

    Winter Travel Ideas with the Toy Hauler

    Toy haulers are the latest innovation in recreational vehicle technology. Thousands can be saved by purchasing them in the fall when new model years are introduced. But where can you use them in the winter?

    First of all a definition is in order for the term toy hauler. They're traditional travel trailers with a cargo bay and cargo doors in the back. This is a very versatile cargo area which is sold in rather bare condition and can be tailored to numerous purposes.

    For the traditional snow bird a long toy hauler can almost be like a house with an attached garage. The truck that hauls it may not fit inside but all of the things normally squeezing the car out of the garage will fit in.

    So that's the first place to take the toy hauler in winter: a warm climate! Arizona has nine Kampground of America (KOA) locations and all but one is open year around. But for a lot of snow birds, Florida is the winter destination. Come spring pull up stakes and move back north in order to avoid the extreme tropical heat.

    When looking for a winter destination remember that the toy hauler is itself being hauled. Much of the nation's more scenic destinations are not navigable with a trailer in tow. Some of the mountain roads of Northern California, Tennessee, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina are never suitable for travel trailers. Many roads in Colorado are closed completely in winter. Winter driving can be treacherous even in flat country. Keep a close eye on traffic and weather anywhere.

    But toy haulers have a special attraction for those with a lot of athletic gear or animals to take along when traveling. Showing dogs? Plenty of area for cages, grooming tables or using for training during down time.

    Gail Leino is known throughout the internet world as Mrs. Party. She has become the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies with clever themes. Her simple party planning approach demostrates how to use proper manners while teaching etiquette with organizational skills. She shares lots of interesting fun facts. See travel vacations for more tips and holiday spot destinations.

    Cheap Vacation Packages For Las Vegas/Cheap Las Vegas Vacation Packages With Flight And Hotel
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    Vacation Packages Las Vegas/Las Vegas Hotel And Casino Vacation Packages

    Bratislava Slovakia

    The capital of Slovakia, Bratislava is a city with many an old and historic evidences. The most dominating of them is Bratislava Castle. A good collection of museums around the castle makes it even more worth-visiting. Come to the city and it will make you tour from an older era to a modern one. Bratislava Castle is a world famous ancient architecture that deserves great acclamation from the tourists all over the world. When you move to the south of the castle, you will find preserved remains of a tower that belong to ancient times. This tower protected the Danube ford in the past. Baroque Church of the Order of the Holy Trinity and Renaissance Bramer Manor House is another good attraction where Archaeological Museum is housed. You would love to see the collection at the various art galleries and exhibition houses in Bratislava Slovakia.

    The main square of the medieval town is also quite an interesting site to pay a visit. It is the center of the historical city. Older Gothic style buildings around the square also attract your attention. Opposite the Blue House, you can have a look at the exhibition of arts and crafts. The narrow Kostolna Ulica that lies next to the Old Town Hall gets you to the Primate's square which serves as market place in the Middle Ages. The Primate's Palace contains a beautiful and classic structure in Slovakia. In spare time, you can catch a tram/trolly/bus up to the Koliba that is large forested area about 20 minutes from the center and numerous stunning views over the city.

    Bars and restaurants available up the hill and you would find crowd of local inhabitants for refreshments. Looking at the sight along the Carpathians or west into Austria is also a great fun. Ski lovers also have great scope to enjoy their passion on the small ski run in Koliba if you are there in the winter. Bratislava Slovakia renders you unlimited joy, which you ask for in your life.

    Gagan is an associate editor of Stayresslovakia. The website offers exclusive information about Hotels in Slovakia. We also provide Bratislava hotels at discount rates. For any feedback and query mail at

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    Delta Vacation Packages To Vegas And Mexico
    Cheap Vacation Packages Las Vegas

    Dreaming in Australia - the Living Legacy of the Aborigines

    Simply humbling. There is no other way to put it.

    Despite skyscrapers, theme parks, and other monuments of technological progress, Australia is still deeply rooted in its aboriginal culture and myths. In fact, Australia owes much of its charm and mystique to the daring aborigines who first settled in the land more than 40,000 years ago.

    And thus Dreamtime began. As they explored the new land, the aborigines wove a set of beliefs about the origin of things around them. For them, humans, plants, animals, everything on earth is part of a complex network of relationship, all pointing to a bigger existence. We are all interconnected, and the littlest of our actions have an effect on everything. Sounds like heavy stuff, but it gets better.

    An interesting aspect of Dreamtime is its all-at-onceness; to Dream is to simultaneously exist in the past, present, and future. Linear time disappears, and what replaces it is a freer version of existence. If all these talk starts to become baffling, try thinking of Dreamtime as a guideline for living that the aborigines follow to maintain the web of life.

    Whats amazing about all these is that Dreamtime is still here, kept alive and ticking by the aboriginal citizens. It is one of the oldest continuous myth in our planet.

    Its time to think of Australia as something deeper than just plain beaches and surf.

    Web site: E-mail: Address: 3 - 118 Church Street Hawthorn, Victoria Australia 3122 Phone: +61 (0) 3 9697 4922 Fax: +61 (0) 3 9815 1544

    Vacation Packages To Las Vegas/Las Vegas Discount Vacation Packages
    All Inclusive Vacation Packages To Las Vegas/All Inclusive Las Vegas Vacation Packages
    Las Vegas Discount Vacation Packages

    Vacation Packages For Disney World - A Click Away

    It is every child's dream to visit Walt Disney World. Those of us who are adults and have not yet experienced a Disney theme park have a spark of "Disney Magic" in our hearts. Deny it all you want. Grown ups love Mickey, too.

    Following are some great places on the net for vacation packages for Disney World and you will not believe the prices! Even with the economy in the state that it is in, low prices on Disney fun are available and waiting for you.

    On WDWPackages.Com, they offer 2,3,4,5,6, and 7 day packages to Walt Disney World. An example of what you'll find at WDW Packages: The Four Day Park Hopper including Water Parks: Four days of fun for 4 (2 adults, 2 kids) at the 4 major theme parks and 4 tickets to Blizzard Beach, Typhoon Lagoon with Disney Quest, Pleasure Island and the Wide World of Sports

    Your choice of accommodations
    Radisson Worldgate Resort and Convention Center
    Terra Verde
    Royal Plaza Hotel
    Venetian Bay Resort
    And MORE...

    Prices range from $1,038 to $1,285 (airfare not included)

    MouseSavers reveals discount deals on family vacations at Walt Disney World. Find all the information you need to customize your own package. Orlando offers Value Vacation Packages for Disney World.

    Travelocity has vacation packages to Disney that include airfare. Many of these are time sensitive, so visit Travelocity and reserve your great vacation package today! Prices range from $1,100 to $2,000 (2 adults, 2 kids - over 4 days stay!) with airfare included.

    Try out the Vacation Wizard online for packages, deals and reviews of Walt Disney World Vacations -
    They'll show you the best deals you can get on a family vacation to Disney World in exciting Orlando, Florida.

    Magical Getaway package: Try the 5 day Disney Magical Getaway at Magical which
    Your choice of Disney hotels
    2 Tickets to the park of your choice
    This vacation for 2 costs just $499 - excluding taxes

    Try the 6 Day Deluxe Disney Magical Getaway package:
    Your choice of Deluxe hotels
    Transportation to and from airport/around Disney properties
    2 Tickets to any Theme park of your choice
    This deluxe vacation for 2 is $999 - excluding taxes

    Age doesn't matter when it comes to Walt Disney World! Pick your vacation package for Disney World today!

    Enjoy one of the great Disney vacation packages and visit now

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    Vegas Vacation Packages/Cheap Vacation Packages In Las Vegas

    7 Great Things To Do in Alaska

    1) Hop on a chartered boat and cruise along Alaska's thousands of miles of pristine blue waters jumping with salmon and halibut, thick with crab, and visited by Humpback Whales. Experience wild life up-close, in full living sound and color.

    2) Take that old train down the White Pass and Yukon Route! Feel the adrenaline of the 1898 Klondike Gold Rush as you curve and climb your way around narrow mountain passages and steep breathtaking scenery. Go back home with stories to tell from your daring voyage along this International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark.

    3) Dog Sledding! There are many operators offering exciting dog sledding tours ranging from short quarter-mile samplers to professional 12-day outings. All kinds of challenge for all levels of adventurers. Just make sure to take your camera with you.

    4) Flighseeing Alaska is big, so big that the best way to see it is perhaps from the air. Many private chartered planes offer you the chance to take wings and witness the amazing beauty of the Dinali National Park, the Northern Inside Passage, Prince William Sound and its many glaciers, and the Kenai Peninsula, all without setting a foot on land! See the best that Alaska offers and still keep your sock dry.

    5) Bear watching you can't say you've been to Alaska if you haven't had the opportunity to marvel at its beautiful bears which should not be confused with our beloved teddy bears. These wild and dangerous kings of the mountains can be viewed from a safe distance thanks to tours specifically designed for that purpose. Join a tour bus leaving for the Dinali National Park or the Brooks River of Katmai National Park.

    6) Anchorage Golf Course is for those visitors who'd love to play their favorite game during those times when they are not bear or whale watching, or riding the White Pass and Yukon Route train. The great and peaceful 18 hole golf course is near the Chugach Mountains.

    7) Alaska Native Heritage Center displays the best of native culture and folklore with a gift shop where you can shop till you drop and take back home some unique and valuable souvenirs. Don't miss the daily performance of native dances. You'll leave this 26-acre heritage campus with a renewed respect for the richness of Alaska's local culture.


    Ugur Akinci, Ph.D. is a senior writer and web content consultant with 20 years of experience.

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    Supplies Needed For Your Recreation Vehicle

    Even if you have recently purchased a new recreational vehicle and it is in good condition, you will eventually need supplies to keep it running just as it was the day you took if off the showroom floor. By knowing exactly what you need and where you can locate these supplies, you will be fully prepared for your next trip.

    The best place to buy the supplies you need for your RV is from the store in which you bought the RV. Makes sense. If you bought it at an RV showroom then they will most likely be able to order the supplies you need or at least recommend the best place to buy everything for your RV. Also, your RV will have a warranty if it is new, so you can bring it in for little-to-no cost to you.

    Another good place to check for supplies you need is a specialty shop online that deals strictly with RV's, or even through classified ads. For tires you could check your local tire shop to see if they sell the larger sized tires; if not, they should be able to recommend a great resource. Oil and other fluids you need can be purchase from a local gas station or discount store.

    If you bought a used or pre-owned RV, then you may run into a problem of it being outdated. Newer models of RV's are produced each year, and there is a chance that supplies you need for your RV are no longer being manufactured or are difficult to find. If this is the case, you should search through online RV sites that cater to people with older or outdated models.

    You might also join an RV club with members who are looking to sell or exchange some of their old parts. With a little bit of research you should have minimal trouble finding what you need, but you do need to inspect the products thoroughly to make sure that all are in good working order. Trade shows are another excellent source for obsolete supplies. Check the Internet to find out if one is coming to your area, or talk to an RV showroom which is likely to have that kind of information.

    It isn't just the supplies you may need to make your RV run well. You might also require a new oven or other appliance that only fits the RV you are furnishing. You can try to repair it on your own or instead tap into the skills of a mechanic. However if you need to replace specific parts, trade shows and RV clubs are excellent places to investigate.

    RV's have a considerable life span. So although it may take a bit of time, you should nevertheless be able to find the supplies you need to keep your RV running well for a long time to come.

    For practical RV and camping readiness information, please visit, a popular site providing great insights concerning issues that help you with camping and buying that RV you've dreamed of.

    Vacation Packages To Las Vegas/Vacation Packages For Las Vegas Nv
    Cheap Las Vegas Vacation Packages/Cheap Las Vegas Vacation Packages With Flight And Hotel
    Vacation Packages To Vegas/Cheap Las Vegas Nevada Vacation Packages

    The Magic of Kyoto

    Japan. The name evokes images of cherry blossoms and temples, of Samurai and Kimono clad Geisha. The contemporary Japan of today is a diverse conglomeration of history and tradition merging with a future that often struggles to understand itself. A country vibrantly alive and awaiting the traveler who seeks to experience a culture replete with skyscrapers and bullet trains, of castles and paddy fields lined with rustic wooden homes. What better place to begin your journey within this exotic land than the city of Kyoto. This extraordinarily beautiful city with its abundance of shrines, temples, palaces, gardens, and historically priceless buildings, exemplifies the essence of Japanese culture and history. With over 2,000 Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines architecturally still intact, it is one of the best preserved cities in Japan, and a top tourist destination for foreigners and Japanese alike.

    One of the most frequently visited sites is the Zen Temple of Kiyomizu. Its wooden veranda supported by hundreds of pillars located on a mountain slope overlooking the region provides an awe inspiring view of the city below. Visitors are also able to stand beneath the temple's waterfall Otowanotaki and collect water in tin cups to quench their thirst before hiking the mountain path that leads from the structure to the tranquility of the forest above.

    Two additional temples which are also popular attractions are Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji. Construction of Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion) began in 1397 as part of a new residence for the retired shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and was converted into a Zen Sanctuary after his death in 1408. The Pavilion is covered in gold leaf, and houses sacred relics of the Buddha. Ginkakuji (Silver Pavilion) was modeled after Kinkakuji, and is located at the foot of Kyoto's Higashiyama mountains. Built as a villa for Ahsikaga Yoshimasa, (a descendant of Yoshimitsu) the building was also converted into a Zen Shrine after his death in 1490.

    Another impressive structure that is a well known tourist destination is Nijo Castle. Located on the eastern edge of a 70 acre compound, the building consists of 33 rooms, and is famous for the intricate paintings of landscapes which adorn the Palace's sliding doors, and for the innovative construction of wooden floors that squeak like nightingales when walked upon which was employed as a security measure against intruders.

    Other memorable sites in and around Kyoto include the "Philosophers Walk", the Gion District, and Arashiyama, a charming tourist area distinguished by its landmark Togetsukyo Bridge, with Mount Arashiyama standing peacefully in the background. A wide selection of cafes, restaurants and shops are located near the famous bridge. If you venture a short distance north you'll also come across a cluster of bamboo groves and residential district with several small temples placed placidly among the wooded hillside.

    The "Philosophers Walk" refers to a scenic two kilometer path running south from Ginkakuji Temple along a meandering river to Nyakuoji Shrine, and was named after philosophy professor Kitaro Nishida, who could often be seen using the pathway. The Gion District located northwest of Kiyomizu Temple consists of flagstone paved lanes lined with traditional buildings, where if you're lucky you may catch a glimpse of Geisha as they make their way gracefully down the cobblestone streets.

    Jim Sherard is the author of "Land of the Rising Sun, A Guide to Living and Working in Japan", which can be found at:

    Vacation Packages From Dallas Texas To Las Vegas/Round Trip Vacation Packages From Dallas Texas To Las Vegas
    Best Vacation Packages In Vegas
    Las Vegas Vacation Packages Cheap/Cheap Vacation Packages Las Vegas

    Tips for Travelers Who are Going to Hong Kong

    Hong Kong is a key destination for many travelers. It has a population of more than seven million, scattered all throughout its more than 200 islands.

    It is located in Eastern Asia, near China and the South China Sea. Formerly, leased to Great Britain, Hong Kong was officially returned to China in 1997. Hong Kong offers diversity in: culture, religion, and lifestyles.

    Chinese, (Cantonese) and English are both the official language here. So foreigners, who are planning to visit, should not have any problems exploring, and experiencing the culture of this vibrant place; since English is widely spoken here.

    Hong Kong dollar is the currency in use here. One American dollar roughly equals around 7 Hong Kong dollars.

    Hong Kong is known for: its unique energetic vibe, its wonderful food, and beautiful skylines. It's best to always bring a camera when roaming around in the city, so travelers can capture the essence of this place, and will always have a memento of their visit.

    Hong Kong offers many great upscale shopping districts that rival the high end streets of: Shanghai, London and Paris. But the best places to shop here are the unique shops, and street markets that exhibit the charm and uniqueness of the locality.

    It is wise to look around at the various stores to compare prices before buying anything. The best part of all is that sales tax is exempted on everything in Hong Kong.

    The best way to get around Hong Kong is to purchase an Octopus payment card. This card takes you everywhere. It can also be used on any public transportation system, except taxis. It can even be used in vending machines, restaurants, and convenient stores, fast food places, etc.

    Some of the key places in Hong Kong are:

    - Hong Kong Island is the most urbanized district. It's the heart and soul of the city.

    - Kowloon is one of, if not, the most populated cities in the world. It also offers the best view of the skyline.

    - Disney Land Hong Kong which is located in Lantau Island. This is only the third International sight for a main Disney them park. It is best to make reservations ahead of time for lodging. It tends to be packed, especially during the holidays.

    Hong Kong also has a great natural landscape that can be seen by riding a train that goes all the way up to the higher part of Hong Kong Island. With so many things to do and sights to be seen Hong Kong is truly a must see for any traveler.

    Author: John Edwards

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    Swan Hill, Victoria - Holiday On The Murray River

    Located in the North West of the Australian state of Victoria, Swan Hill got its name from the famous explorer Thomas Mitchell. He named it so after experiencing a sleepless night when camping very close to a flock of noisy swans.

    Swan Hill is one of the most prominent and fast-growing cities of Australia. With a population of around 16,000 people, the city is primarily focused on production and supply to the needs of people and businesses around the city.

    Swan Hill gives you a unique experience with the combination of the relaxed lifestyle of the rural side and the modern, thriving facilities of the urban side.

    Visitors throng to this city to enjoy its beautiful Mediterranean climate and take a scenic trip on the mighty Murray River aboard the historic Paddle Steamer (PS) Pyap. Its atmosphere is one that blends history with modernity. Major tourist attractions are the historic Pioneer Settlement, regional art gallery, and historic homesteads.

    Swan Hill city has been an important tourist destination because of its proximity to the Murray River. The number of visitors to the city has been steadily increasing as this region plays host to a number of large-scale events.

    Major tourist attractions in Swan Hill are the Hilltop Fauna Park, Tyntyndyer Homestead, Murray Downs Homestead, Raymer’s Lakeside Nursery and Gardens, and the Swan Hill Pioneer Settlement. The city offers entertainment though its theatres and cinemas, and has state-of-the-art recreational clubs and sports centres. You will find its restaurants offering a range of delicious cuisines from local food to exotic Chinese and Italian style dishes at a price that suits any budget.

    Enjoy the magnificent wide open spaces and the tranquillity of inland Australia while you visit an award-winning winery, or a fine restaurant featuring fresh Murray Cod, yabbies, avocado, citrus, stone fruits or vine fruits. Take in the beautiful surroundings at a golf course or explore nature's remarkable features in one of many reserves and parks. Enjoy a river cruise or a houseboat holiday, or discover the fantastic festivals and events, arts and many unique family attractions.

    If you're looking for luxury accommodation in Victoria, then visit Simply Lush ( to check out our free reviews of only the very best accommodation in Victoria.

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    Tennessee Cabin Rentals

    Several tourists visit Tennessee for a number of reasons such as sports, adventure, a family vacation, and a romantic getaway. Tourists can plan their trip well in advance through a travel agent who can make all the necessary arrangements for a successful trip. Most hotels in Tennessee offer seasonal discounts to the tourists. Tennessee offers a taste of country as well as contemporary lifestyles. Gatlinburg, which is seated in the middle of the Great Smoky Mountains, is one of the most favorite tourist destinations of many people. It offers an unusual blend of entertainment and adventure. Surrounding cities such as Pigeon Forge and Sevierville, also provide recreational activities to the tourists along with an exciting shopping and dining experience.

    Tourists can stay at Gatlinburg in cabin rentals to add fun and excitement to their Tennessee excursion. There is a baffling range of chalet rentals and cabin rentals in Gatlinburg. Staying in the Gatlinburg cabin rental, individuals can enjoy the serene beauty of the Great Smokey Mountains. Most cabins are conveniently built at a location that can best offer the picturesque views of the mountains and neighboring areas. The cabins are also situated in a close proximity of shopping malls, dining and entertainment joints.

    Gatlinburg, Sevierville, and Pigeon Forge offer plenty of activities such as hiking, whitewater rafting, skiing, horseback riding, and fishing. A large number of tourists stay in cabin rentals and explore the mountains to witness the magnificent range of flora and fauna.

    Many websites offer extensive information about the various options in cabin rentals. The types of cabin rentals greatly vary depending on the location, the extent of amenities and the size of the cabin. Tourists can choose between small one-room cabins to large cabins containing up to 10 rooms. Cabin rentals complement the urge of tourists to enjoy a rustic experience in Tennessee.

    Generally, cabin rentals are made from wood to give it that perfect rustic look. They are equipped with modern amenities such as cable TV network, hot tubs, swimming pools, and fireplaces for added comfort.

    The amenities offered by these cabins vary according to the type of climate in that area. Since cabins are placed at a reasonable distance from each other, they offer more privacy as compared to conventional hotels.

    Tennessee provides detailed information on Tennessee, Gatlinburg, TN, Tennessee Vacations, Nashville, TN and more. Tennessee is affiliated with Map Of Maryland.

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    Important Facts About Canada

    Located in the northern part of the North America, Canada is one of the most beautiful and exotic landscapes, which is widely known for its technological advancements, vast terrain and rich natural resources.

    Mentioned below are some important facts about Canada

    1. Canada is the world's second largest country that stretches from Atlantic Ocean on the East to the Pacific Ocean on the West. Arctic Ocean is present on the northern side of Canada while southern side is bordered by the United States of America.

    2. Canada became a politically autonomous dominion in 1867 while retaining its relationship with the United Kingdom. Canada is unique in the sense that it is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of England, being the head of the state.

    3. Another unique feature of the country is that it is a multicultural and bilingual country with both English and French being declared as official languages by the federal law.

    4. The entire country is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories.

    5. The type of government in Canada is called as the federal system of parliamentary government where the constitution is the supreme law of the country.

    6. The population of the country is approximately 32 million. A majority of these are Roman Catholics. However, there are significant proportions of people belonging to other religions including Protestants, Muslims and Jews.

    7. Economically, the country is one of the wealthiest nations with a high per-capita income. It is one of the important suppliers of agricultural products such as wheat, canola and other grains. Canada is the world's largest producer and exporter of many natural resources including zinc, uranium, gold, nickel, aluminum and lead. Canada has one of the biggest oil and natural gas reserves in the world that are centered in Alberta.

    8. The country is known for its diverse geographical features which include fertile plains, vast mountain ranges, beautiful lakes and gorgeous rivers. It has 38 national parks and 2 million lakes that are famous for their wilderness and diverse flora and fauna. The Torngats, Appalachians and Laurentians are present on the East, the Rockies, Coastal and Mackenzie ranges are present in the east, and Mount St. Elias and the Pelly Mountains on the north. Major rivers include the Mackenzie, Yukon and Columbia.

    About Author: Pauline Go is an online leading expert in travel industry. She also offers top quality travel tips like :
    Where In France Is Reim, Famous Venezuelan Sights and Ancient Egypt Pyramids

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    Trafalgar Square - History In The Heart Of London

    Named after the Battle of Trafalgar - a British naval victory of the Napoleonic Wars -Trafalgar Square is undoubtedly one of the most iconic and history-rich places in London. Originally the northern area of the square was the site of the King's Mews and had been since the time of Edward I, while the southern end was the original Charing Cross, where Whitehall met the Strand from the City. When George IV, the Prince Regent, decided to move the Kings Mews to Buckingham Palace in the 1820s, the original site was demolished and commissioned for redevelopment. By 1845 the present architecture was completed.

    The square itself consists of a large central area surrounded by roadways on three sides, and stairs leading to the National Gallery on the other. Nelson's Column stands in the centre of the square, surrounded by four bronze lions said to have been made with recycled metals from the cannons of the French fleet and fountains added in 1939. The column is topped by a statue of Lord Nelson, the admiral who commanded the British Fleet at Trafalgar.

    At the corners of the square are four plinths. Three of them hold statues of George IV, Henry Havelock, and Sir Charles James Napier. The fourth plinth on the northwest corner was intended to hold a statue of William IV, but remained empty due to insufficient funds. Later, agreement could not be reached over which military hero or monarch to place there. Since 1999 it has featured temporary exhibitions of art by contemporary artists.

    The square used to be particularly famous for its pigeons. However, the desirability of the birds presence was a matter of contention, due to their droppings tarnishing the beauty of the buildings and the flock of birds, estimated to be around 35,000 at its peak, were considered to be a health hazard. Therefore, the sale of bird seeds in the square was prohibited in 2000, and as of last month, bye-laws were secured sealing an outright ban on feeding birds in the square. The presence of pigeons is thus severely diminished.

    Since its construction, Trafalgar Square has been a venue for political demonstrations. It was host to both the Black Monday and Bloody Sunday political rallies of 1886 and 1887, respectively. In modern times it has held significant political demonstrations against war and nuclear weapons, apartheid and the poll tax. A large vigil held was held at the square shortly after the terrorist bombings in London in July 2005

    Trafalgar Square is easily accessible from the Charing Cross, Embankment, Piccadilly Circus or Leicester Square tube stations, while the landmark is also extensively serviced by the London bus network. In addition there are several hotels in London near the square itself. Either way, no trip to London would be complete without visiting Trafalgar Square.

    Andrew Regan is an online, freelance author from Scotland. He is a keen rugby player and enjoys travelling.

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    The Best All Inclusive Mexico Family Vacation

    If you plan to take you family on a really great vacation, why not surprise them with an all inclusive family vacation Mexico.

    You will be glad to know that all the all inclusive family vacation Mexico package are tailor made just for you, as we always keep all our customers in mind when we put our packages together. Many people make the mistake of thinking that taking a vacation or a holiday is really expensive, nut they are really not.

    You can ask any travel agent to make up a package that will not only suit you needs, but you can ask them to make up a package that will suit you wallet too. So you do not have to worry about loosing tones of money the next time you plan for an all inclusive family vacation Mexico. All you need to do is ask you nearest travel agent and they really should be happy to help you.

    Before you go to your travel agent, though, it will be a good idea if you went prepared. That means that you will need to know a bit about what you want out of your vacation. Do you want to go skiing, do you want to see snow, do you want to have endless white sandy beaches, do you want to go somewhere exotic, or do you want to go someplace with lot of trees?

    You could take that whole thing a step further and tell them exactly what you want, so if you want to an all inclusive family vacation Mexico and all you need to do is to tell them that you want an all inclusive family vacation Mexico. It is really that simple. In fact, why not go to Mexico, there a millions of places to see there and the beaches are the best in the world.

    An All Inclusive Family Vacation Mexico In Cancun

    If you want a real treat, you will be glad to know that Cancun has a cool special that allows you the freedom to stay at any one of their beach resorts and you can visits any of the eight remaining resorts whenever you want. So if you decide to stay in one you can go to another one for a whole day to play golf, or to have drinks if you like. It is really all up to you, after all it is you all inclusive vacation Mexico.

    You will be glad to know that if you decide to go to Mexico you will be in the presence of one of the best hotel chains in the world and the best hotel chain in Mexico. You will also be glad to know that this is the hotel chain that is running the offer that is called the stay at one play at the rest promotion.

    So do not miss out, get you things packed and your family ready, and get you travel agents number ready, because you all inclusive family vacation Mexico is waiting for you.

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